Set of two breast phantoms 1 transparent and 1 opaque for training in biopsy under echography
Set of two breast phantoms 1 transparent and 1 opaque for training in biopsy under echography
Set of two breast phantoms 1 transparent and 1 opaque for training in biopsy under echography
Set of two breast phantoms 1 transparent and 1 opaque for training in biopsy under echography
Set of two breast phantoms 1 transparent and 1 opaque for training in biopsy under echography
Set of two breast phantoms 1 transparent and 1 opaque for training in biopsy under echography
Set of two breast phantoms 1 transparent and 1 opaque for training in biopsy under echography
Set of two breast phantoms 1 transparent and 1 opaque for training in biopsy under echography

Set of two breast phantoms 1 transparent and 1 opaque for training in biopsy under echography

Height mm
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Transparent and opaque phantom kit for ultrasound-guided breast biopsy

The ultrasound guided breast biopsy phantom set combines two types of breast phantoms for step-by-step development of citology or hystology biopsy skills.

The duo set propose in the same pack a transparent breast phantom and an opaque breast phantom.

The transparent phantom develops hand-eye coordination while the opaque phantom develops skills acquisition for a safe and reliable needle or gun biopsy.

Each phantoms allow user to increase skills level
. Hand-eye coordination in ultrasound-guided biopsy
. Localization of targets under ultrasound guidance
. Sampling of target

Breast biopsy phantoms features
. Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB), Core Needle Biopsy (CNB) and Mammotome biopsy can be performed under ultrasound guidance.
. Realistic breast tissues that simulate the softness and resistance of the mammary gland.
. Targets are colored to confirm successful sampling.
. Targets are embedded in three levels for training in needle access in different angles and depth.
. Transparent and opaque phantoms provide level variations.
. Inexpensive and disposable for multiple attempts.
Width mm
Height mm
Net weight kg
Gross weight kg
Interventional procedure
Biopsie histologique
Non stérile
Sans certification

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